


ただ、その時から自分ができなくてもダンスを見たりするのはとても好きでした。特にストリートダンス。HIPHOPをよく聞いていたので、HIPHOP,ポッピン、ブレイクダンスを見るのが好きです、それはいまでも。ダンスバトルとかyoutubeでよく見てます。DA PUNPの昔のテレビとかもよく見ていました。






I’ve been practicing dancing recently, thinking of creating a new exercise habit in 2023. Now, I can’t do it at all, first of all I have no sense of rhythm. I can’t go up and down well.

I was on the baseball team in elementary school and junior high school, and on the rugby team in high school. I think I have better athleticism than most people. But about dance I just can’t do it at all. When I was in my first year at university, I tried topractice breakdance. But from then on, I realized that I didn’t really have a sense of rhythm.

However, from then on, I really liked watching people dance, even if I couldn’t do it myself. Especially street dance. I used to listen to a lot of HIPHOP, so I still like watching HIPHOP, poppin, and breakdance. I often watch dance battles on YouTube. I also used to watch old TV shows like DA PUNP.

On the other hand, the reason I’m practicing dance now is because I’m having a hard time finding the motivation to do other exercise habits. I say it’s for my health, but if I sleep well and be careful what I eat, I don’t have much health concerns or gain weight, so I don’t have much motivation. Meanwhile, I started dancing as a form of exercise, even though I’m not good at it at all, but I thought it was cool and I wanted to be a dancer in my next life. I can’t do it anymore, which makes me laugh, but I would like to gradually gain a sense of rhythm so that I can have fun listening to music and riding at events.

Now, apart from talking about exercise, I will be motivating myself to learn English and Thai from 2023. I read and write Thai, but I’ve gotten a little sluggish over the years. I am thinking of taking the test as a goal setting. For Thai language test, for English, TOEIC speaking and writing.

Motivation is important for continuing exercise and language habits. I wrote this today with the intention of leaving that behind.

The reason I’m writing it down in English is because I’m sure I’ll say the same thing when I talk to Thai people, so I’ll try translating it and look at it a few times so I can send it out. This is to do.

I can easily translate text using Google Translate, but I personally think that in the end it’s important to communicate this by speaking.



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